Corporate Structure
Board of Directors
Board of Supervisors
Senior Management
Shareholder's General Meeting
Composition and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the decision-making body of the Bank. Currently the Board of Directors consists of nine members, with Mr. Fang Heying as the Chairman of the Board. The Board includes two executive directors, namely, Mr. Fang Heying (Chairman) and Mr. Hu Gang; three non-executive directors, namely, Mr. Cao Guoqiang, Ms. Huang Fang and Mr. Wang Yankang; and four independent non-executive directors, namely, Mr. Liu Tsz Bun Bennett, Mr. Zhou Bowen, Mr. Wang Huacheng, and Ms. Song Fangxiu.
Specialized Committees under the Board of Directors
There are five specialized committees under the Board of Directors, namely the Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee, the Risk Management Committee, the Audit and Related Party Transactions Control Committee, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Consumer Rights Protection Committee.
Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee
The Bank's Strategic and Sustainable Development Committee consists of three directors, with Mr. Fang Heying as chairman and Mr. Cao Guoqiang, Mr. Zhou Bowen as members. Its principal responsibilities include: to study the Bank’s operating and management targets, long-term development strategy, and special strategic development plans respectively formulated for human resources, information technology and other areas, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors; to study programs for major cooperation, investment, financing and merger and acquisition, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors; to supervise and inspect implementation of the Bank's annual business plans and investment programs as authorized by the Board of Directors; and to coordinate and promote the ESG system building, review the ESG-related work reports, and press ahead with the implementation of other ESG-related work as required by regulatory authorities.
Audit and Related Party Transactions Control Committee
The Bank's Audit and Related Party Transactions Control Committee is comprised of three directors, with independent non-executive director Mr. Liu Tsz Bun Bennett as chairman and Mr. Wang Huacheng as well as Ms. Song Fangxiu as members. The principal responsibilities of the Audit and Related Party Transactions Control Committee include supervising the Bank's internal control, financial information and internal audit, identifying related parties of the Bank, as well as reviewing and filing the Bank's related party transactions within its authorized mandate.
Risk Management Committee
The Bank's Risk Management Committee is comprised of three directors, with Mr. Hu Gang, Mr. Liu Tsz Bun Bennett and Mr. Wang Huacheng as members. The committee is mainly responsible for supervising the senior management's control of credit risk, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk, bank book interest rate risk, operational risk, compliance risk, money laundry risk and reputation risk; carrying out regular assessment of the Bank's risk preference, credit grant policy, liquidity risk management policy, market risk management policy, bank’s book interest rate risk management policy, operational risk management policy, compliance risk management policy, money laundry risk management, reputation risk management, lawfulness and compliance of business operation, case prevention and control management, risk management status and risk tolerance, putting forward recommendations to the Board of Directors on how to improve risk management and internal control of the Bank, deliberating proposals on risk management that are submitted to the Board of Directors for review and put forward relevant recommendations to the Board of Directors in accordance with the Bank's overall strategy.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The Bank's Nomination and Remuneration Committee consists of four directors, with independent non-executive director Mr. Wang Huacheng as chairman, and Mr. Liu Tsz Bun Bennett, Mr. Zhou Bowen as well as Ms. Song Fangxiu as members. Principal responsibilities of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee include assisting the Board of Directors in formulating procedures and standards on nomination of candidates for directorship and senior management membership, drafting remuneration schemes, performance evaluation rules and incentives programs for directors, supervisors and senior management members, and raising recommendations thereof to the Board of Directors.
Consumer Rights Protection Committee
The Bank's Consumer Rights Protection Committee consists of five directors, with non-executive director Ms. Huang Fang as chairperson, and Mr. Wang Yankang, Mr. Liu Tsz Bun Bennett, Mr. Zhou Bowen as well as Ms. Song Fangxiu as members. Principal responsibilities of the Consumer Rights Protection Committee include formulating the Bank's strategies, policies and objectives of consumer protection, urging the senior management to effectively implement relevant work of consumer protection, supervising and assessing the Bank's consumer protection work regarding its comprehensiveness, timeliness and effectiveness, and the senior management's performance of duties, and advising the Board.